Facebook Marketplace Scrapers

Here we’ll go into some detail on what a scraper is, what this looks like on Facebook Marketplace, and how you can use a scraper to your advantage.

What is a Facebook Marketplace Scraper?

A scraper is a tool designed to extract data from websites. For Facebook Marketplace, this consists of extracting the listing information for a specific search - such as the title, location, price, etc. It’s very simple in theory, however there are multiple obstacles to overcome such as bot protection, the technical knowledge of creating a scraper, the infrastructure to run the scrapers, and more.

Why might I need one?

If you spend a lot of your time searching Facebook Marketplace, then chances are you could benefit from automating this. Think of just checking your results page with everything you want to see, automatically searched for you. Or even better - get notified of new listings as soon as they are posted. This is what a Facebook Marketplace scraper can do for you. Make sure to check out Marketplace Monitor for this. You might also need one for speed. If you need to get notified as soon as new listings are posted, so you can message the seller first, then a facebook marketplace scraper can help with this too.

Where do I find a Facebook Marketplace Scraper?

You want a scraper that runs constantly, notifying you of new listings. This is called a monitor. Marketplace Monitor is the best product for you for this. It can monitor your chosen search terms 24/7, and provide you with instant notifications for listings. You can read some more information on Marketplace Monitor here. To get started, all you need to do is select a plan and sign up for a free trial. Then create an account and you’ll be asked to submit your search information - what you normally search for on FB Marketplace, your price range, stuff like this. The team then spend some time analysing and setting up filters to reduce spam listings so that you only see items relevant for you. And there you go - you'll have listings coming through to your phone as soon as they are posted!


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