Marketplace Searching
for Car Flippers

Be first to new car and vehicles listings on all main marketplaces.

How Marketplace Monitor
can help car flippers

Capitalising on underpriced cars

Car flipping hinges on finding vehicles priced lower than their worth. Platforms like Facebook Marketplace are gold mines for these finds, where sellers might not know the true value of their vehicles or need to sell quickly.

Cars significantly below market value often sell within minutes of listing. To catch these deals, you're faced with constantly scrolling through marketplace listings, relying on sheer luck, or you could opt for a Marketplace Monitor subscription.

Spam Filtering

Marketplace Monitor streamlines your search by automatically filtering out listings such as car parts, or listings posted by other resellers and car garages. This tool takes the burden of repetitive searching and filtering off your shoulders, allowing you to focus more on flipping cars. For those who prefer a broader search, this feature can be disabled, allowing you to view all listings.

Sourcing On the Go

The user interface of Marketplace Monitor is crafted ease of use, ensuring you can easily access it from your laptop or phone whenever you need. Its straightforward design allows you to swiftly navigate through listings and manage your preferences with minimal effort, whether you're at home or on the move. This convenience is key to optimizing your car flipping journey, enabling you to quickly find and flip cars without getting bogged down by complex processes.

The Money Maker

Marketplace Monitor makes Car flipping a high profit venture

We have designed and tailored the product so we can help our customers:

Source more and better quality cars

Reduce irrelevant listings

Save time so you can focus on selling

Our Recommended Package for Car Flippers

For US Car Flippers

We recommend using 3+ keywords for the best reselling cars across FBM and a 2.5 min find time for 15hrs a day to beat the competition

UK Car Flippers

We recommend using 3+ keyword for the best reselling cars across FBM and Auto Trader and a 2.5 min find time for 15hrs a day to beat the competition