Marketplace Searching

No matter your niche, Marketplace Monitor will help you get an edge over the competition. Start your free trial today to see how it will transform your sourcing.

How Marketplace Monitor
can help you flip

Be the first to know of new listings

Get notified as soon as new listings are posted that match your search criteria.

Never miss out on a listing by being too slow ever again. With Marketplace Monitor, you can be notified within the same minute a listing is posted - you will always be first to message the seller.

Spam Filtering

Marketplace Monitor streamlines your search by automatically filtering out irrelevant listings.

This tool takes the burden of repetitive searching and filtering off your shoulders, allowing you to focus more on selling. For those who prefer a broader search, this feature can be disabled, allowing you to view all listings.

Sourcing On the Go

The user interface of Marketplace Monitor is crafted for ease of use, ensuring you can easily access it from your laptop or phone whenever you need.

This convenience is key to optimizing your flipping, enabling you to quickly find items without getting bogged down by complex processes.

The Money Maker

Marketplace Monitor makes flipping a high profit venture

We have designed and tailored the product so we can help our customers:

Source more and better quality items

Reduce irrelevant listings

Save time so you can focus on selling