Terms and Conditions


In this contract, we define certain terms as follows, unless the context specifies otherwise:

Refers to any software designed to operate on a range of devices, made available through our digital platform for licensing, regardless of purchase status.

Encompasses any electronic device, system, software, or receiving apparatus used for processing data.

“Reproduce or Distribute”
Regarding an Application, involves the act of duplicating or disseminating, in full or in part, by any method, across any format. This also covers modification, segmentation, or utilization as part of a new composite work.

“Proprietary Rights”
Signifies all forms of intellectual property we own, across all jurisdictions, whether or not they can be registered. This includes, but is not limited to, patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyrights, trade secrets, domain registrations, and any future intellectual property rights, as well as derivative rights.

Refers to a permission granted under this contract for you to use an Application according to the stipulated terms.

“Digital Platform”
Indicates any online service or website we manage or own, designed for access via mobile or fixed internet connections, encompassing all associated web pages.

“Usage Restrictions”
Firstly, refers to limitations detailed in this contract; secondly, additional limits based on your selection at purchase concerning the application's functionality, geographical usage, duration, or other parameters; and thirdly, any limitations discussed in prior communications between you and us.

Means the underlying software that constitutes the Application or supports its functionality.

Interpretation Guidelines

Unless otherwise stated in this contract:

  • A “person” is understood to include any individual, legal entity, or managed organization.

  • References to a person include their successors, representatives, and any entities to whom they transfer responsibilities due to mergers or restructuring.

  • Section titles are for convenience only and do not influence the interpretation of this document.

  • Any non-compliance by either party includes preventing others from non-compliance.

  • The official language of this contract is English, which prevails over any translations provided for convenience.

Confirming Authority

You confirm your legal authority to enter this agreement and that all necessary permissions have been obtained.

You acknowledge that your decision to enter this contract is based solely on information available on our Digital Platform.

You are responsible for adhering to any relevant laws or importation rules in your jurisdiction that might affect your rights to import, use, or export the Program.

License Grant

Upon payment and subject to this agreement’s terms, we grant you a License to use the Application globally for the duration specified at purchase.

The License is non-exclusive and limited by the conditions set forth herein.

License Use

You must ensure the Application is used only within the specified context of purchase, adhering to any terms set regarding reproduction or distribution as outlined.

Financial Terms

Pricing for Applications is transparent and displayed on our Digital Platform and within the Application’s interface.

All fees are based on subscription models with automatic renewals. You must cancel through your payment provider to avoid renewal charges.

The price may vary by country, and certain taxes or duties may apply depending on your location.

All payments are non-refundable and must be made without any withholding or deductions.

Security Measures

We ensure the safety of our Digital Platform for transactions.

Payment details, if stored for recurring transactions, are encrypted and securely handled.

Usage Limitations

You agree not to:

  • Misuse the Application beyond the agreed terms of purchase.

  • Decompile, reverse-engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of the Program.

  • Rent, lease, or lend the Application.

Intellectual Property

You are obligated to respect all intellectual property rights associated with the Application and to notify us of any suspected infringements.

Compliance and Dispute Resolution

You undertake to keep your contact information up-to-date and comply with all legal timings in this agreement.

Disputes should first be addressed through mediation before resorting to arbitration or litigation.


This contract represents the full agreement between the parties, superseding any prior understandings or agreements.

The terms are severable, ensuring the remainder of the agreement remains valid if any part is deemed unenforceable.

This contract does not confer any third-party rights, except as permitted by law.

These adaptations preserve the original meanings but change the phrasing and structure enough to make them less recognizable as the same terms and conditions.